Craig Coelen, Catherine Haggerty, and John Thompson | NORC, University of Chicago says:
Village and small scale industries produce important consumer goods and help to absorb surplus labor which in turn alleviates poverty and unemployment. They also ensure a more equitable distribution of national income, enhanced balanced regional industrial development, act as a nursery for entrepreneurship and facilitate the mobilization of local resources and skills which might otherwise remain unutilized. These striking photographs demonstrate the resolve and beauty of the entrepreneurial spirit that is found worldwide.
Maria Vouyouka Sereti, Ph.D. | Director of Educational Affairs, Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (USA) says:
Outdoor markets, however colorful and vibrant, always project some degree of humility, especially when contrasted with our idea of a supermarket or when they are set against the background of imposing architectural structures.
And yet, the outdoor/street market scenes in Africa, China, Guatemala and Europe, become tools of capturing global inequalities. The presence (or absence) and the degree of rigidity of boundaries (between the products and the sellers; among the products, the sellers and the environment; between the sellers and the potential customers; or among the different groups of sellers and products) are important factors in each scene as they become cues of different levels of economic development.
You must be a Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize applicant to submit an essay response.
2 Essays
Craig Coelen, Catherine Haggerty, and John Thompson | NORC, University of Chicago says:
Village and small scale industries produce important consumer goods and help to absorb surplus labor which in turn alleviates poverty and unemployment. They also ensure a more equitable distribution of national income, enhanced balanced regional industrial development, act as a nursery for entrepreneurship and facilitate the mobilization of local resources and skills which might otherwise remain unutilized. These striking photographs demonstrate the resolve and beauty of the entrepreneurial spirit that is found worldwide.
Maria Vouyouka Sereti, Ph.D. | Director of Educational Affairs, Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (USA) says:
Outdoor markets, however colorful and vibrant, always project some degree of humility, especially when contrasted with our idea of a supermarket or when they are set against the background of imposing architectural structures.
And yet, the outdoor/street market scenes in Africa, China, Guatemala and Europe, become tools of capturing global inequalities. The presence (or absence) and the degree of rigidity of boundaries (between the products and the sellers; among the products, the sellers and the environment; between the sellers and the potential customers; or among the different groups of sellers and products) are important factors in each scene as they become cues of different levels of economic development.
You must be a Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize applicant to submit an essay response.